Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Using Venom to Cure Covid

 Riddance of Covid, Vaccine Process--(c), 10-29-2021 by M kusanagi [das landstuler]

<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>> step 1: extract honey bee [Apis Mellifera] stinger venom. ===
step 2: sterlized placing of venom into/on agar-agar dish. ===
step 3:		extract mold that grows on the fetid/decaying venom enzymes, manufactured from decomposing lipids/proteins, that comprise the extracted bee venom.
step 4:		feed this mold to freshly-hatched blue-bottle fly [Calliphora Vomitoria] maggots.

step 5: the idea behind this, is that when an allergy is triggered by a honey bee [Apis Mellifera] sting, and causes a great portion of swelling, it is not because "this particular" immune system is sensative to any remote filth, but that these "involved" lymphs are highly refined to balance a collection of already introduced viral filths.
thus said particular white cells are, NOT, outer or median organized to cellularly evaluate inflammations at moderate archi-tinuations, BUT, are inwardly tuned to mutate the actual creation of red blood hemoglobin, as it fuses from the femor's marrow, to the vascular level of intervenous circualtion.
step 6:		hatch these adult flies, and powder their legs for Covid tolerance.
step 7:		it is also possible to infuse the honey bee [Apis Mellifera] venom directly into green mold [Penicillium Digitatum], and have the fly maggots consume this.
then continue to powdering the legs, THUS FOR, a wider spectrum of effect to Covid lymph tolerance.
step 8:		the reasoning for the harness of insect legs is very simple.  take these included examples, HEREIN.
		a.	the cashew nut, although edible, is encased by a pith called "mace", which is very poisonous, and is used to produce the mace that we find in ordnance markets.
		b.	there is a weed that commonly grows in front lawns and sedge clumps named Black Medick [Medicago Lupulina].  if the vines or leaves or roots or flowers are used in combination with a decoction of chaparral [Larrea Tridentata] to encourage the excretion of Pancreatic Cancer to the stool, most likely, since this type of cancer is so aggressive, the patient will reach stage 4, too early.  but if the seeds are coupled with the treatment, because the seeds of Black Medick are protase inhibitors (inducing the reduction of protein consumed), THEN THIS, will easily add several months to a terminal 4 month life expectancy.  and thus generate a window for Pancreatoma survival.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Patches within the Array

Patches within the Array

©, 2021 by das landstuhler

plying our way thru an abject heap, which has already been dissolved by measures in the breath of gravity, we can either gather-up what sense is there, one could surmise, or, if we are so inclined, we may dive into the lot, which of course is a root of the divine.

is there, in other words, a pure abjectivity?  and is a pure abjectivity, whether or not available, even useable by the mundane within mediocrity?  Could there really be a scalpel so sharp, that using it would only split atoms of plutonium?

there is perchance, the question of notions in the periphery.  as it is said in Rome, "nato ai bordi di periferia".  and these notions are whole in every way, so that the fringe of a scope shows only latent fragmenting.

there are the jovial increments of reasoning, which can move to cultural trends.  but.  as these narrow glimpses begin to beckon for more, we become directly inundated by sheer floods of acceptability, and these then, tamped thru a deluge of delusion-filled blame.

and of course, that could very well bring us up to the subject for calculatable differentials between simple recognition, a much larger complex series of identities in part, and their algebraic inflexions, thereof.

thus in illustrative description albeit posthaste, there is the purely discursive.  that line which is drawn between pure discursion and abjectivity could all together be removed.  there.  just like that.  thus a refined discursive would equal whatever abjectivity we had, at that frame, chosen to step back and define.  for instance, make distance equal a shadow, merely as a temporary tool to reach such greatly adherable duration sequences.

all-in-all, we could say sub-tedium, that for something to be truly abject, it would need a base, or basis, to start its address.  so that solemnly-filtered abject cognitive-association, could be called many things including, "flying high", or at the plane with zero base, aborted as non-existent.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Transporter Statham Qi

below is a link to The Transporter - 2002
Click this link to go to film. :)
The Transporter
don't miss the song at the end, Nadia Life Of A Stranger Lyrics.

Thursday, December 26, 2019


          while and as he mused, shuffling the then, and the there, and the other, and the parts not envisioned in this cascading and tumbling radiant night, and imprinted, forward.  yet upon another.

          there, but again, gone, was the moment before the shine in his eyes.  and the pieces of that breath, of that day, just 'a lazily arranged.

          BUT SET.
               so to catch another to travel away from these great and consuming collections, which when over-filled would naturally shimmer in sweet vibrance and potent depth.

          and he strode.  and none-the-falter became his every move, his every passion, his coming to right, a clumped, wadded, and attached fray of the spark before grinding, that would pass when the day became juice, and the night went like paste.

                                                                -das landstuhler - 2006

Friday, December 6, 2019

Perry Mason - 1957


J. i'd like to talk to you, Mason.
M. i haven't got much time.  i'm due back in court in a few minutes.
J. how come the office is empty?
M. one of my stenographers is getting married.  they're giving her a luncheon.  now, what can i do for you?
J. a little while ago, back there in court, it sounded to me like maybe you have this Claremont case on ice.
M. well, i'm glad you were listening.
J. do you know who killed him?
M. why?
J. well, it's kind of a personal thing with me.  you see, Bob Claremont was one of my boys.  it would mean a good deal to me if i could bring in his killer.
M. Promotion?
J. no, i don't care about that.
M. then why don't you make it easy on yourself?
J. how?
M. give up.
J. what are you talking about?
M. you killed Claremont and you killed Fayette, or you had him killed.
J. Mason, are you out of your mind?
M. Claremont was an honest cop doing his job.  he got a lead on you through Tom Sedgewick.  he went to the Keymont Hotel to find you, remember?
J. are - -  are you trying to frame me to take the heat off your client?
M. you were in Fayette's room the night Claremont went there.
J. i was nowhere near that hotel.
M. you're lying, Jaffrey.  your protege, Frank Hoxie, testified that Claremont was at the hotel.  eventually, he's gonna tell us that you were there too.
J. Hoxie, a con like Hoxie will say anything under pressure.
M. you had him sent on a phony trip to Mexico for a month.  you had him kept there til the case died out of the papers.
J. you never give up, do you?
M. that was a pretty smart insurance policy you had figured out.  planting a dead policeman's gun on Sedgewick, an innocent man.
J. save it, Mason.  you're nowhere.
M. you were safe as long as Sedgewick was a fugitive.  but he came back.  now why was Fayette killed?  because he got panicky when Dixie Dayton got away?
J. i never saw George Fayette in my life.  i never even knew he existed until the night he was killed.  - -  what's that?
M. a copy of the receipt you signed when you took the record of Fayette's arrest for bookmaking out of the Police Department's files.
J. look, i'm a cop.  i take hundreds of records out of the file every day, and i sign receipts for them.  it's part of my job.  Mason, you're wasting my time.
M. mr. Wilson.  is it part of your job to own the Keymont Hotel?
show's paper.
M. a copy of the incorporation papers with your signature.  you can change your name, Jaffrey, but not your handwriting.
closes door.  shown producing and pointing a revolver.
M. put it away, Jaffrey.  you're through.  you've got no place to hide.
J. let me worry about that.  you put a lot of pieces together, Mason.  but you aren't going anywhere with it.
M. how do you expect to stop me?
J. easy.  i'm going to arrest you for trying to bribe me into perjuring myself.
M. think you can make it stick?
J. i won't have to.  you're gonna resist me.  and i'll have to shoot you in the line of duty.  all they gotta do is half-believe me and i'm home.
Tragg is shown looking through a side door.

T. hold it, Jaffrey!
shots fired and scuffle.
M. okay, lieutenant.
T. wasn't one cop enough, you miserable - -
M. you alright, Tragg?
T. yeah.  just sick to my stomach at the sight of him.  you work hard at your job.  you try to take some pride in what you're doing, and then a fink like this comes along and makes a rotten thing out of his badge.
M. here, i'd better call an ambulance.
T. yeah, call an ambulance.  - -  don't, uh, hurry.

Monday, December 2, 2019



what's the literal definition of "impeach". you'll be surprised. Answer. it means to "nullify". so let's take a look at this scenario. all [that's a very firm all] Evidence can only [that's a very firm only] be based on Discovery. then in turn, all [this is also a very firm all] Facts can only [that's also a very firm only] be based on said Evidence. so in this illustration you have the "Class" of Evidence, and its subClass extension, the Facts, necessarily connected to their root superClass, the Discovery. now that's a consistent tree of logical suppositions. and when these 3 Classes [the subClass, the Class, the superClass] are identified together, a fourth term is generated. this 4th term is called "Foundation". so that when a Fact is unsubstantiated in either its earlier root of Evidence or Discovery, it is referred to as "Unfounded" [and this said Fact or Facts is stricken], unless it can be "Founded" within some reasonable parameter. and "Reasonableness" never varies. so much so, that if during a felon's testimony, this felon voluntarily admits to committing some parallel crime, he therewithall, has "impeached" all foundation to bearing witness to a later testimony. to wit, not only is this felon's testimony stricken, it is nullified [in other words, impeached]. so, is that what the Carnival of Bench Tribunals is discussing? how some member in the ether [which by default makes that or any similar witness void of "Foundation", and thus "self-impeached"], can show reasons for Impeachment? a "self-impeachment" describing the reasons for impeachment? that [this thing depicted] in itself, is grounds for contempt, just stipulating the rules of order and decorum in assembly and committee. and there is a myriad of recursions thus forthwith from and does 1 thru 100. :( ^^ -das Landstuhler, 2019