Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Becoming Water


the image of Hanbo [courtesy of Hayes World Images], shows a shorter Hanbo than ones used by Kusanagi Labs.  Here, a 34 inch Hanbo is cut from the larger [western style] brooms, in this case, Hickory sticks work very well for their extra weight.  although 34 inches seems arbitrary, especially since the famous Hanbos are shorter than this, from a long experience with different distances, the 34 inch length, made of the thicker broom handles, and of Hickory, are the most inter-respective of the different shapes and sizes of things, when swinging 36 inch chains, and playing with longer and thinner jos, and finding a median between Kenpo, Nikenryu, and shadow swinging, etc.
say for instance, that truth, "the Truth ", was 2 times a full Vedic Aura, which would then be 28 inches, then with these wall standing techniques, the extra 6 inches fits, so next to perfect, that there's really no need what-so-ever to add or subtract a half inch.  it will also sweep evenly with its purpose [at 34 inches], and in this particular case, that purpose is to balance it [the 34 inch stick] blind-folded, upright vertically, on its rounded end, from the palm of the hand only.
Mr. Steven Hayes - student of Ninjutsu
however.  this is not a treatise on Jedi.  it is to point out a single aspect of the end result.  namely.  when one can balance a stick blind-folded, since one is then "floating" the stick, they then, become the water.  -M kusanagi  6, 26, 2019  :)  ^^

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